Monday, July 16, 2007

Coming together with the cultures of the world, all right here in Turkey

July 16, 2007:

With only 3 weeks of working left and just short of 4 weeks left in Izmir, I'm beginning to realize the time in Turkey is beginning to come to an end. Where I used to think a lot about missing people at home and UWEC, I spend more time these days thinking about how I'm going to miss my friend here.

We spent another great weekend together and I also met a couple new interns from Kazahkstan that just arrived. I went bowling with a couple Chinese people, a man from Congo, a Finnish, a French priest, and a couple of Turkish. Just sitting at a dinner table and taking a moment to take-in what I was doing made me feel like I am in the middle of doing something few people in the world have had the opportunity or taken the time to do. At that dinner alone there were four different languages being spoken around me (Turkish, French, English, and Chinese) and I feel like I'm learning more about the world then ever before.

At work I'm keeping busy, but beginning to get more free time as my report should be finished in a couple days. At around 14 pages, it will be used to help convince American companies to invest in Turkish companies.

Although I miss some luxuries from time-to-time that I have in the U.S. and not in my house here (examples: washer/dryer, microwave, oven, television, and other small things), I'm finding it surprisingly easy to live without these things. I've adapted without too many problems and its not weird to do laundry by hand, or take a bus for 40 minutes one-way to use machines.

I'm still spending a lot of time outside as the weather is always sunny here this time of year; this includes a daily lunch outside with co-workers. I'm still having a great time and feel like I'm learning more then ever before through living in a place so different then what I'm used to, and living with so many different people from different cultures around the world.

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